Genome Size Estimations

Interested in Getting a Genome Size Estimation for your Insect?

There are a number of things you should keep in mind if you want an estimation

1. Estimations will only be run if you have contacted Carl Hjelmen and agreed upon running your samples and have been provided a rate

2. Estimations are charged at a per-species rate upon completion of estimations

3. Samples cannot be in ethanol--Estimations of ethanol samples via flow cytometry will not work

4. Samples must be alive or frozen alive (flash frozen works)

5. Samples that are frozen must be shipped on dry ice to ensure they stay frozen (not ice packs)

6. For best results, estimations are run on at least five males and five females of your organism. (we can run with fewer)

7. There are times in which samples are degraded, standard species used for estimations have an issue (overlapping size, degraded standard, etc). Therefore a higher sample number is beneficial

8. You are welcome to send more than five of each sex to provide additional samples in case of DNA degradation, errors with standard, etc.

9. Estimations take time and are run between teaching responsibilities. In most cases estimations have a relatively quick turn around time

Let me know if you have questions and/or are interested an estimate!