BIOL 4400--01 Fall 2024


Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Summarize the subtopics: sequencing methods and strategies, bioinformatics and sequence comparison, sequence alignment and phylogenetic reconstruction,
comparative genomics, organization and structure of genomes, genome annotation, transcriptomics and proteomics

2. Interpret constructed evolutionary trees derived from molecular data.

3. Carry out genomic analyses such as annotation, transcriptomics, functional genomics, metagenomics, and genetic variation and SNPs

4. Employ critical thinking skills in discussions about genomics

Schedule (Subject to Change)

Week Dates Topic Readings Due
1 Aug. 21

Aug. 23
Intro. & Syllabus

How to read a paper
For Class:
Various Online articles (see Canvas)
Pre-course quiz--Aug. 23

Questions about scientific papers--Aug. 23
2 Aug. 26

Aug. 28

Aug. 30
How to read a paper pt. 2

Overview of genetics and genomics

Structural components of the genome
For Class:
Various Online articles (see Canvas)
Discussion signup--Aug. 28
3 Sep. 2

Sep. 4

Sep. 5

Sanger sequencing and the Human Genome Project

Discussion on HGP
For Class:
Watson 1990
Bentley 2000

For Discussion:
Nurk et al. 2022
Selection of Project Subject--Sep. 6

Precis Sep. 6
4 Sep. 9

Sep. 11

Sep. 13
Human Genome Project

Implications and applications of HGP

Discussion: All of Us Project
For Class:
Gibbs 2020
Mao and Zhang 2022

For Discussion:
All of Us intro
Mahmoud et al. 2024
Precis Sep 13
5 Sep. 16

Sep. 18

Sep. 20
Next generation sequencing methods

Third generation sequencing

Discussion Comparing Sequencing Methods
For Class:
Shendure et al. 2017
Heather and Chain 2016

For Discussion:
Lerminiaux et al. 2024
Precis Sep. 20
6 Sep. 23

Sep. 25

Sep. 27
Output from sequencing methods

Investigate SRA, setup Galaxy Account

Discussion on Galaxy/Open tools
For Class:
Galaxy 2020

For Discussion
Lariviere et al. 2024
Precis Sep. 27
7 Sep. 30

Oct. 2

Oct. 4
Genome assembly methods

Genome assembly methods

Discussion on Genome Assembly
For Class:
Li and Durbin 2024

For Discussion:
Benham et al. 2024
Exam 1 Due Oct. 2

Precis Oct. 4
8 Oct. 7

Oct. 9

Oct. 11
Genome polishing and annotation

Genome annotation and BUSCO

Discussion on Assessing Genome Quality
For Class:
Yandell and Ence 2012

For Discussion:
Hjelmen 2024
Outline and Annotated Bibliography due Oct. 11

Precis Oct. 11
9 Oct. 14

Oct. 16

Oct. 18
Genome assembly assignment

BUSCO and annotation hands on

Recommended Reading:
Dunn et al. 2019
10 Oct. 21

Oct. 23

Oct. 25
Sequence alignments and substitution models


Phylogenomics Hands on
For Class:
Kapli et al. 2020
Hands on Activities due Oct. 23
11 Oct. 28

Oct. 30

Nov. 1
Phylogenomics hands on


Discussion on Phylogenomics
For Class:
Steenwyk et al. 2023

For Discussion:
Zuntini et al. 2024
Phylogenetics Hands on by Oct. 30

Meet with Dr. Hjelmen by Nov. 1

Precis by Nov. 1
12 Nov. 4

Nov. 6

Nov. 8
Comparative Genomics

Interpreting Comparative Genomics Plots

Discussion on Introgression
For Discussion:
Rancilhac et al. 2024
Precis Nov. 8
13 Nov. 11

Nov. 13

Nov. 15


Population Genetics
For Class:
Stephan et al. 2022
Poster Draft Due Nov. 11

Peer Review for Posters Due Nov. 15
14 Nov. 18

Nov. 20

Nov. 22
Poster Prep Day

Poster Prep Day

Discussion on Comparative Genomics
For Class:
Webster et al. 2023

For Discussion:
Makova et al. 2024
Final Posters Due by Nov. 20

Precis Nov. 22
- Nov. 25

Nov. 27

Nov. 29
15 Dec. 2

Dec. 4

Dec. 6
Population Genomics cont.


Discussion on Population Genomics
For Discussion:
David et al. 2024
Exam 2 due Dec. 6

Precis Dec. 6
