BIOL 3500--03 Fall 2022
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Apply the processes of mitosis and meiosis and to explain and predict the transmission of genetic information. 2. Use basic patterns of genetic inheritance to predict the transmission of genetic attributes to future generations. 3. Describe the structure of DNA and explain how its structure facilitates information storage, replication and transfer. 4. Explain how genes control the activities of the cell and the physical and behavioral attributes of organisms 5. Describe how genes and the environment interact with each other to generate the physical and behavioral attributes of organisms. 6. Describe and explain processes that generate genetic variation. 7. Explain how genes are transmitted through populations, and how differential transmission of alleles leads to evolution. 8. Explain how changes in chromosome number and structure occur, and the genetic and evolutionary consequences of such changes.
Schedule (Subject to Change)
Lesson | Dates | Topic | Chapters |
1 | Aug. 23Aug. 25 | Introduction, DNA as the Molecule of Heredity | Chapters 1, 10, 12 |
2 | Aug. 30Sep. 1 | Transcription, RNA processing, and Translation | Chapters 13, 15 |
3 | Sep. 6Sep. 8 | Principles of Heredity | Chapters 2, 3 |
4 | Sep. 13Sep. 15 | Pedigrees and Genetic Testing | Chapters 6 |
5 | Sep. 20Sep. 22 | Extensions and Modifications of Basic Principles Midterm 1: Weeks 1-4: Sep. 22-25 | Chapters 4, 5 |
6 | Sep. 27Sep. 29 | Population Genetics | Chapters 25 |
7 | Oct. 4Oct. 6 | Linkage, Recombination, Gene Mapping | Chapters 7 |
8 | Oct. 11Oct. 13 | Chromosome VariationFALL BREAK--NO CLASS THURSDAY | Chapters 8 |
9 | Oct. 18Oct. 20 | Genome Organization and Evolution | - |
10 | Oct. 25Oct. 27 | Mutation Midterm 2: Weeks 5-9: Oct. 27-30 | Chapters 18 |
11 | Nov. 1Nov. 3 | Control of Gene Expression in Bacteria | Chapters 16 |
12 | Nov. 8Nov. 10 | Control of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes, Epigenetics | Chapters 17, 21 |
13 | Nov. 15Nov. 17 | Cancer Genetics | Chapters 23 |
- | Nov. 21Nov. 26 | THANKSGIVING BREAK--NO CLASS | |
14 | Nov. 29Dec. 1 | Genomics and Molecular Genetic Analysis Midterm 3: Weeks 10-13: Dec. 1-4 | Chapters 19, 20 |
15 | Dec. 6Dec. 8 | Review for Final Exam | - |
16 | - | Final Exam: Cumulative: Dec. 12-13 | - |